star trek fleet command : guide francais

You can attack ships as well as stations. Thanks for answering!! However, there is a map Available on Reddit, you can check it by clicking here. Here’s the quick guide to mine tritanium in Star Trek Fleet Command:-. ⇒To check the ship type, tap the ship on drydock slot -> near the strength stats, the icon displays the ship type. I'm out here in contested space and hang on. and how do i find his server? You can relocate it to one of the station hub’s slots. Do you have any suggestions? There is a limit to how much you can punch down. Il faut distinguer le niveau du vaisseau de son palier. The game gives you one ship for free when you start the game. Promoting -> Promoting increases the level cap of the officer. I do not understand how to relocate my star base to a new system. Good to see you get a reasonable amount of resources collected protected from high levels, Hi, where can one locate 3* survey parts? I only have 2 docs so I can only send 2 ships en route. You have the conn! The new user gets a sequence of missions with some choices, but generally a fairly similar list of missions. Et pour cause ! anyone how it is possible to play the game with the same account on different supports, e.g. Why? Standard Recruit – Consumes normal recruitment ticket, rewards common(90% chances) and uncommon officer shards(10% chances). My North Star requires “1” at tier 4 or 5. The one you mentioned above is one of them. You have to be at level 10 (I think) to be able to attack other players that are also over 10. Can you email me directly I’d like to add a screen shot but can’t seem to paste. @Don all you can do is upgrade the ship and make it more powerful so that other players wouldn’t attack it. Aussi, plus un héros est rare (pour rappel il y a 4 niveaux de rareté des officiers : courant, assez rare, rare et épique), plus ses compétences seront intéressantes à exploiter. Or @Mad The daily goals rewards are not carried away to the next day. So for the combat(PvE, PvP), send interceptor/battleships/explorers. I already have one rcs fortunate aside from having two mining ships why bother with a second? @Tom Refinery is the only source! Once it’s there it will tell you where you are on the right side. My A ship shows destroyed but I won the battle and it is still mining but will not allow me to repair or recall? Reach the level 15 to become eligible to attack other player’s station. On the galaxy screen, you will see Systems. Vous avez le choix : Forcement quand on met le prix, on peut avoir des choses pas mal…. You will have to upgrade the Ship Hangar to increase the ship inventory slots. @lonewolf It’s not possible. I would like to know before I put effort and resources in it. Is there a map of the planets/systems with missions? Bring up the ship and hit recall. Upgrade your refinery, mine the raw resources and keep batching. It depends on the enemy’S ship cargo capacity. La preuve par l’exemple… L’officier Livis est particulièrement efficace s’il est nommé capitaine d’un cuirassé. Si vous avez consulté notre guide à propos des vaisseaux dans Star Trek Fleet Command, vous savez donc que chaque vaisseau appartient à un type. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – Gaming Soul for new mobile game videos. So, overnight, they attacked my station. Can I relocate my base to a system in Federation or Romulan or Klingon space? Earn more than other players for better rewards. Head to the home station(interior)/base -> tap the ships option at the top-left. In neutral zone, it’s Azha system. Hanger ( lvl 1) allows you to have 10 ships. share. Levels are an interesting thing. At the start of the game, you produce Parsteel and Tritanium. Tap the upgrade button -> level up. To relocate, go to the galaxy screen -> choose a system -> enter system/view -> tap a planet -> relocate. To recruit an officer, you need recruitment tokens. To promote an officer, you need shards. But in the early game, you have only one option; hostiles. You can check the refinery rates in the same menu. It will cost you a relocation token. You must collect them daily if you don’t want to lose. the resources map at is gone … is there a new link for it available? Our guide to Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Badges, what they are, how to get them, and which officers you should use them on. Is there a rule for every typemof ship when ship-xp is earned? How many Boslic Slave Traders in Deneva do I have to kill to find the 4 Energy Manifolds. The enemy can not steal this certain amount of cargo from your ship. Thanks. Sans mettre en doute ses compétences, vous risquez non seulement de vous en lasser, mais aussi vite vous laisser submerger par l’ennemi. I won twice but lost 5 times. On my cellphone i played with a google-account, but on the ipad the game didn’t gave the option to choose and installed with my Game Center account. What do command badges/science badges/engineering badges do and how do you use them? The game does not let you delete the ships. Is there a way to find another player by name? Where do you acquire Uncommon Elements other than refining or purchasing them. Are the rewards granted anyway and what about the reward chest which comes valid by collecting point for dialy goals? Enter a galaxy on the brink of war as Federation, Klingon, and Romulan forces vie for control of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Where can I find Dilithium Deposits? There you will see a planet with (i) mark. share. Have asked this more than once. Plongez dans l’univers de Star Trek et parcourez la galaxie directement sur votre PC ! This is the total quantity of resources that is protected from attack. In Star Trek Fleet Command Dilithium and Tritanium farming guide you can find out more about earning resources by destroying Hostiles (AI ships). For example; some users are unable to claim daily rewards, wrong coordinates, repairing error, and more. You can see the map here. Play Star Trek Fleet Command on PC and MAC with BlueStacks and assemble your own crew, prepare your ships and join one of the biggest strategy games of all times! You can mine the tritanium from any system and it will be contributed to that mission. Go to the ship manage view -> go to the details tab -> here you can see the protected cargo amount. I will see what I can do with it. Et que chaque type a ses forces et ses faiblesses. Tap it and hit go. So that’s all for now as Star Trek Fleet Command guide. 2.) Officers form a crucial part of your ship, as ships require at least one Officer in order to be used. The USS Discovery stands out from other ships because of its jump drive that allows it to use the mycelial network. Can you add crew members to your Station? The drop rate is super low, that’s why it’s taking so long. On the right side of the game’s screen, tap the events option and check out all the on-going events. After it, tap the ship at the bottom of the screen. Seems unfair that they can Attack you, take note of your location to keep picking on you daily but you have no idea where to find them for revenge! Is there a certain level of player or faction you need to be to unlock it in the factions store? This new Scopely game will have you battling against other players, collecting resources and chests, finding officers, discovering new solar systems, and try to become the top player in the entire universe. Star Trek Fleet Command expands its universe with the launch of a brand new arc, Star Trek: The Original Series! You can explore in the Systems. 9. save. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteGot it! Not even what you may have previously mined on another spot but not yet returned to your base? ⇒If you explore a bit in the System, you will find mining nodes. When your ship get destroyed when mining, do you get anything out of your cargo? Share via: 3 More; Independent Ships. Ship XP can be obtained from the missions, daily goals, events. Will someone explain this officer recruitment in better detail. Star Trek Fleet Command Officers are probably the most important part of the game. Suggestions? I looked at attacking another level 15 station, but my Talla (Level 19, Tier 4) isn’t nearly strong enough to win a fight. The survey ships are good for mining. Hi Yatin, Drop Rate – Uncommon(40%), Rare(40%), Epic(20%). So these are the top briefly explained Star Trek Fleet Command tips, cheats & strategy. Also, upgrade the refinery. If you tap the quest box, it will show you a hint. Sometimes ship-xp is gained in battle and is visible on the ship icon. All the ships in Star Trek Fleet Command have a unique utility ability; protected cargo. @Brain Jacob Upgrade your refinery to level 20 to get that grade 3 refine option. Me I picked the first one clicked view. Where are there more deposits? C’est pourquoi il est indispensable de se poser la question suivante : comment débloquer de nouveaux officiers ? Discover game help, ask questions, find answers and connect with other players of Star Trek Fleet Command. High-level hostiles can be found in high-level systems. I wish someone would have told me to swap ships frequently. Check this post – Go to the galaxy screen -> tap on any system -> set course. And, to mine resources in the systems, send survey ships. Let’s learn with an example; your ship is mining tritanium in X system. Mais avant de lancer l’assaut, mieux vaut faire preuve de prudence et analyser ce qui vous attends. The game will give you this in-game currency as a reward upon leveling up or from other events(daily goals, missions). Star Trek Fleet Command Mining – Dilithium. There are very low chances to obtain uncommon material. For example; Standard recruit costs you normal token(blue), premium recruit costs you premium recruit token(yellow/gold). But they can not steal the resources protected in the vault. The Star Trek Fleet Command lets the player build duplicate ships. So is there another way. On top of levels and ranks though, be sure to check each officer’s abilities and choose the best ones to man your “battle” starship. I have a question about attacking bases. For example; Ship. You can check the events by tapping the event button at the top right corner. I played on my cellphone and have reached lvl 18. Qu’est-ce qu’un vaisseau sans son ou ses officiers ? @Clint Search in other systems. On the same screen, on the right side, you can check the crew stats and bonus. Here’s how –, @Infernal In high-level systems, you can find it. If it’s a NPC mission, then there would be a yellow sign (! I have tried resetting my ipad it still saying the same thing what do I do help. Aussi, il est assez difficile, du moins au début, de réunir les plans pour en construire des nouveaux. How to get blueprints? Additionally, since you are on level 11, you can’t attack another player station even it’s above 15. Recrutement par faction (Fédération, Klingon ou Romulien) : 40 % de chance d’obtenir 5 fragments assez rares, 40 % de rares et 20 % d’épiques. Here’s the SS:-, Zack, don’t forget to have ALL your ships at home b4 you try to relocate, when you relocate, the token spent will transfer your station AND your ships, if any ships are not home, you can’t relocate. Check Out – Best mobile games. Go to the Dilithium Guide to find all the locations ( Systems) where you can farm Dilithium. Règle n°1 : pour gérer un vaisseau, celui-ci doit se trouver dans la base. How can you contact their support team??? When I got back the same player was attacking again. Thanks for keeping me posted. @Richard But my interceptor type ship never earned xp from battle as well as from mining. I am giving the opportunity to build a second ECS Fortunate. I have a couple questions regarding the attack. By exploring, we mean; attack the stations, destroy the hostiles, mine the resources. How can i change the id. Yet if l buy an additional amount of latinum with actual cash- that gets credited immediately. As you progress in the game, you will battle against high-level hostiles, ships, and players’ base. I have several but can’t figure out how they are redeemed. Prior to it, you can obtain it by completing the missions, quests, events, and from the free chests. After it, you will have to build the ships. Votre seule tâche est de You must be on level 10 or higher to attack enemy ships. I found Rigel has like 4 or 5 belts. Attention cependant à ne pas trop vous charger, chaque vaisseau a une limite de cargaison…. Batch 3000. When you recruit, you also get officer XP as the reward or obtain from the quests, missions. How do I use the ship hangar. View System. It’s a good idea to have multiple/duplicate mining ships so that you can farm the resources fast by sending both the ships to rss point before you go to sleep. Level up ships, equip parts, and tier up. To view a system, you will have to set course first. BTW the current drop ratios even after the update (if it did anything at all) is terrible. This months battlepass is not delivering on many levels. @Richard Refinery is the only source. Et des combats vous allez être amené à en faire lors de votre expérience de jeu. You can get Command, Science, and Engineering badges within Star Trek Fleet Command. Now i bought a new ipad (the old one didn’t support the game) and installed the game. i’m told multiple times to find a local tritanium mine , but i cannot find anything but parsteel to mine. As you progress through the game or level up, things will change. You get these recruitment tokens from the crates/chests, events, by completing the missions, quests, and from the store. Tap it and from the drop down menu, choose Star Trek Fleet Command. And, there is an update coming to the game which will increase the refinery output. I mine a lot of 2 raw ore refine it and my lvl didn’t increase. You have the conn! @David Yep, Strength Up your Talla ship, assign better officers and then raid(scan to check the strength). For example for level +21 hostiles, search in level 21+ systems. Vous pouvez y visualiser le nombre de commandants ennemis et la puissance de la flotte. Does anyone know where to mine the Raw crystals? Aucune intervention n’est requise de la part du joueur si ce n’est : observer. I explored the galaxy but only find lvl 1 and 2 or very high like lvl 9! I’ve accepted a mission I don’t want to complete because of rep rewards/penalties…, Looks like the 4th manifold is tied to collecting 2000 Dilithiums (Distant Land). RARE REFINED CRYSTAL not uncommon. This could be a reason. 16. Now an array of officer portraits are displayed with numbers at bottom each and word “CHANCE” at the very bottom. On the same screen, tap the + button -> upgrade. If you have, then head to the recruit menu by tapping the officers button on the top-left. For example for level +21 hostiles, search in level 21+ systems. Thank you ! @Mad That’s the mining ship with Parsteel mining laser ability; +15% Parsteel mining rate. New to the Star Trek Fleet Command? Territory Capture, Origin Sector, Isogen. For example: For level 5 hostile, search in system level 4/5/6. Forgot I am Level 23, finishing upgrading before 24. Scopely Star Trek Fleet command. You can check the power at the top-left corner on the home station screen(interior). Sorry if this question sounds strange – how do i find systems by name search without the coordinates? I don’t notice any of the last dropping and checking speedup would require counting before and after. (so can hit a 12-16) the number of levels that can punch up or down may change with increased overall level. Check out this post – Crystal, Ore, Gas, Tritanium, Dilithium Farming in space. 1.) Maybe another way to contact?? Do you need to enable in app purchases to make officer recruiting work? Une fois que vous avez amélioré chacun de ces slots, le vaisseau peut passer au palier supérieur. @WillB Tap the inbox button at the bottom left -> select the battle/attack – tap the location icon. For 3-star parts, we would recommend you to defeat level 21+ hostiles. I am level 11 and my ship A is level 15, Yet I still can not attack over level 2? How do you dismantle a ship to free up a spot to build another? Guessing no, but would like to confirm. How do you get uncommon Plutonium? @Zack Head to a system and tap on station hub. @Chris In Federation, recommend system for 3* crystals is Siiolux. Les niveaux se gagnent lors des batailles alors que les paliers dépendent des améliorations. Collect 2 Cargo Crates. At the bottom, tap the ship -> hit the manage button -> swap ship. Go to the Galaxy screen and find a high level system ( For example- Jinnia (9) ). Explorer > Interceptor. But I have no such thing. Not in the store and I have been continuously refining, Took a very long time and mean a very long time to even get uncommon. Where is 3 star crystal in Federation space? Also there are a few key levels where PvP is unlocked. You can loot resources by invading enemies’ base. Spend the tokens(tap the chest button) to recruit officers. As you gain xp for ships and the parts to attach equipment they drop randomly. Do you possibly have a breakdown of the mission planets? @G2K Yeah, if it’s a mining type mission, it doesn’t send you to that location. Q. Pour avoir des informations sur la flotte ennemie, cliquez sur l’onglet “scanner”. Star Trek Fleet Command Guide: Tips & Tricks for Dummies. Is there also a difference between the xp earned for battling with hostiles or other players?
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